T = Tag, T = Tanda

Monday, January 21, 2008

Saya kena tanda lagi dengan Cik Myra...

Can you name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head?

1. Myra - because she tagging me
2. Mosh - I just read his blog
3. MarinaM - I just read her blog
4. Tun Dr. Mahathir - Because of topic in MarinaM's blog
5. Pak Lah - Because of topic in MarinaM's blog
6. Hubby - He just message me "Hari ni balik awal sket"
7. MommyAliff - Over our discussion during lunch time today
8. Simran - My officemate sitting beside me. I had to pass her letter
9. Gartblue - I just read her blog
10. Aiechomeyll - reminds me on how is the ronggeng session
11. OLAB -reminds me on how is the ronggeng session

How did you meet 10?
- Ahh.. I never met her

What would you do if you had never met 6?
- May be jodoh with someone else...

What would you do if 6 and 2 dated?
- Hahhaha... Mosh & Hubby.. emmm.. maybe they can talk about cars and gadgets..

Have you eve seen 4 cry?
- Yup on tiwi.. when he make an announcement on his retirement plan

Do you think 1 is cute?
- Heheheh... oh what the heck of course she is.. hehee

Tell me something about number 11
- She's a blogger and married with Japanese and have a boy named Umar-Taro...

How do you know 8?
- She's my officemate

Would you ever go on a date with number 5?
- Owwhh!! No!! Screwwwddddddd.. no way.. uh-uh.. nanti Mama Jane marah you..

What's 7's favourite colour?
- Earth tone.. heheh correct kan? kan???hihihii..

What would you do if 6 confessed they liked you?
- Hahaha... unfortunately he did this last time.. heheheh.. and now every morning in the car.. heheh.. And what do I do.. of course I lap yu bek!! Muah! Muah.. puke anyone??? heheheh

Fact about 9.
- She's very ambitious woman with 4 adorable kids...

Who is 4 going out with?
- Er his wife.. Dr. Siti Hasmah heheheh

Who is number 5 to you?

- My country Prime Minister.. who recently labeled as Sleeping PM.. sorry Pak Lah.. I'm rakyat you know.. I have a rights to say that.. be extra careful on your next GE...

Would you ever live with 11?
- Heheheh... OK OLAB do you have any Guess Room?? I don't plan to disturb you with lover in your honeymoon suite... hehhheh...
How I wish la.. dey!! I got 2 kids at home..

is 2 single?
- Nope. He got 4 angels...

Where does 7 live?
- Sometimes kat Keramat.. Sometimes kat Jengka.. most of the time kat BRP..

What do you think about number 3?
- Outspoken!!

What do you like about number 10?
- She suwiitt as her name..

Favourite memory with 2?
- Which memory..SD Card or XD card or thumb drive or RAM.. heheh.. takde kan mosh.. except memory of having a good friendship via blogging world..

pssttt... I'm not CHEATING!!

0 cheers!!: