Jejak Kasih la kan....

Friday, July 07, 2006

At first I thought that if I'm back to HQ, I will feel like I work at new company since I've never been here since ever I was joining them 5 years. But them, suddenly I saw a few familiar face in the office. Very familiar... Tak pe ke jumpa jiran lama kat KT and my junior masa kat SMTAS. It was unexpected meeting when I met both of them yesterday. The best part we are within the same department. Hek ele...

So now, I'm feel like home.

I already have job assigning to me. Ada kaaa.. soh aku buat analyst report... Ceh!!... Bos ni pon satu.. dah tahu aku ni bukan suka bab-bab karang mengarang... soh plak aku prepare report...

Well today dah Friday. Dah 5 days I'm here. Next week baru nak join training. Hmmm.. ngantuk dah ni.. kena baca statistic yang sangat menyakitkan mata.. hishhhh!!!...

0 cheers!!: