Lama tak menulis

Monday, March 24, 2008

.. So its kinda 'keras kaku' nak membina ayat..

So many things happens lately.... March I can say month of sick for me. I got 2 weeks of flu plus with period cramp. For last 2 weeks I got MC for 2 days. I'm so not in a good mood.

Well receive March payslip and there is no deduction for my personal loan anymore.. yey!! Sebagai balasannya

Going to celebrate hubby's birthday this coming 27th March and still don't know what to give or how to celebrate... sungguh bercelaru otak saya.. minta pertolongan kasi idea sket on what to give or how to celebrate. This going to be his 30th birthday..

Hmmm.. sudah ku bilang cam keras kaku menulis.... mungkin kena buat jump start... haishh!!...ok la stop dulu sebelum saya terus menaip dan menekan backspace semula selepas itu..

0 cheers!!: