Selamat Hari Raya

Monday, September 22, 2008

Err.. I dunno where to start. Every single things that I try to type in doesn't seems right to me. My pregnancy cause me exhausted and contribute to my super malasness. Blogging was included.

Let's see, my last post was on 8 September. And today I force myself to blog. I have to. Because I know after this week onwards I wont be able to blog. We will heading back to my hometown to celebrate Eid (yey!!).

And ekceli kita nak wish ni la.. wajib to all.. gambar 2 org budak baru bangun tido..

InsyaAllah we wiil moving to north-east on next Monday 29 September 2008 and will stay until 4th October 2008. Those who celebrating Raya at Terengganu, you can buzz me. Mana tahu boleh meet up and raya together-gether...But please let me know before I left to Terengganu. Most probably I will not be able to get connected to the net.

There most probably we are not organizing any open house due to my condition and malasness yang terlampau ini. Maybe some other time whenever I can get my own maid ke? eheheheh.. ntah le.. insyaAllah...

Again Selamat Hari Raya to All, please forgive me if there is any terguris hati, tersilap kata, tersilap langkah.. terkutuk, terhina.. samaada sengaja atau tak sengaja. I hope I can improve over my misbehave as I'm getting older every seconds.

14 cheers!!:

zan said...

haiii mentang2 laa dah tak sabar nak bercuti...

selamat hari raya to you too! maaf zahir batin jua :)

ehh mana aci..sepatutnya cete pasal pregnancy dulu, baru cerita pasal raya...alasan utk u blogging! ketepikan kemalasan itewww..heeheheh.

Unknown said...

selamat hari raya! saya faham rasa kemalasan itu.. maaf zahir batin

Nadia said...

zan: ingin sekali diriku bercerita pasal pregnancy ku tapi setiap kali create new post maka setiap kali itu jugak aku mengkensel niat ku... selamat hari raya.. you owe me gambau baju raya lip lap...hahahaha

lana: just FYI kemalasan tahap gaban itu tidak pernah kurasai sebelum ini... nasib baik cik lana memahami.. maaf zahir batin too... bila balik kg?

elisataufik said...

Selamat hari raya to you too!
wah.. dah nak dekat seminggu kita nak raya ek? sungguh pantas masa berlalu.
Tengok2 nanti, you dah nak beranak!
jalan elok2 balik kampung nanti.. berhati-hati di jalan raya.

Nadia said...

kak lisa: so apa plan nak masak raya this year.. mesti menariks!

mosh said...

selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin. saya pun ada sedikit kelaparan untuk berbelog.

Jill Yusoff said...

selamat hari raya. maaf zahir batin.

Nadia said...

mosh: kelaparan??? ni symptom bini pregnen or memang perut lapau sebab pose? Selamat Hari Raya to you too..

dory: same to you.. bila balik?

NJ@Goboklama said...

alaaaaa.....baru nk pi open hs umah u,hihi...

anyway, samat sumer2 lah utk u & family :) (sbb dh cakap samat hari raya)

Nadia said...

goboklama: sorry la mak buyung ni tgh hormon malas bangat!!!

IKHWANI said...

same here, minta maaf kalau ada terkasar bahasa, terkucil hati etc safe and take care!

Selamat beraya!!

Nadia said...

lama dah tak nampak cikgu OO online... bizi nyer cikgu... selamat hari raya to you too..semoga kita semua selamat pergi dan balik... amin!

famyGirl said...

Salam Aidilfitri dan Maaf Zahir Batin dari famyFamily :)

Anonymous said...

pregnant.. wahh good news.. congrats. salam lebaran kak nad.. maaf Zahir Batin. :)