
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

We arrived at Gong Kapas at 8pm. Past over iftar time. So I missed to berbuka puasa with dentuman bedil which its became a Kuala Terengganu folks tradition. Lucky I have 1 more day for me to experience our last Ramadhan at Terengganu.
During Sahur time, bedil was fired twice. Usually 10 minutes before Imsak (maybe nak kejutkan those yang belum sahur) and another when the clock shown 15 minutes before Subuh. As "meriam bedil" now was fired at Bukit Pak Apil (or famous as Bukit RTM), which is just behind my grandmother house, wooden floor will bit shaken each time cannon man fired his bedil. But I was fun to feel this over and over again. Its an experience that I still can share with my kids and also to my Johorian husband.
Our last Ramadhan in Terengganu, practically I was doing nothing much. Just scouting crowded mall in Terengganu to buy some carbonated drinks and cordiall for raya. After we just wandering around Kuala Terengganu town and stop by at old mini market near to Jalan Kamaruddin to buy some famous local rempah ratus to bring back to Puchong. Fortunately the shop was selling jeruk maman which is something that I didn't have for quite sometimes. So I bought 1 pack for our berbuka puasa dish.
Back home, Nisa and other kids bersemangat berpuasa penuh. So Nisa manage to berpuasa penuh on the last day of Ramadhan of 2008. She was so excited waiting for berbuka puasa session. I told her, do not touch the food until you hear azan and bedil. She anxiously waiting for bedil as its not something common to her.
Later when she heard bedil sound she excitedly told everybody in the house, "Dah boleh minum, dah boleh makan, bedil dah bunyi... kuaaatttt!!"
Tok Chik cooked Nasi Lemak and Mee Goreng for iftar. So jeruk maman served with Mee Goreng. All gone by 9 pm as orang dapur preparing Raya dish which is ketupas instant (ketupat palas just bought from wet market; Ppasor Ggarib), kuah kacang, gulai daging nasi minyak, acar timun, rendang ayam and ayam masak merah.All dish done before 12 midnight. Dah ramai pembantu cepatla siapnya. All went to sleeps to get good rest for Raya celebration for tomorrow even all mercun, fireworks masih berdentam-dentum.
Pagi Raya I terbangun pukul 6:30 AM. Nasi minyak aroma menusuk hidungku. My mom helping her sister Tok Chik to cook Nasi minyak and preheat early-prep lauk pauk. Kejutkan hubby to prep himself for Raya. Kids still sleeping. After subuh prayer, iroining our traditional baju melayu and baju kurung. By time clock shown 7 plus, kejutkan Nisa and told her its Hari Raya. Dengan penuh semangat dia bangun. Najah as usual still sleeping. At 7:30 Nisa help herself with others breakfast with Raya dish. Suka dia makan. As for me, I take my own sweet time to take a shower. I did not join sembahyang sunat raya. Kena jaga kids and my alzheimer maktok at home. Takpe la lagipon Najah tak bangun lagi.
While I was tidy up our room, around 8:30AM, again bedil was fired for 7 times. But this time I can witness on how bedil was explode. I quickly called Nisa and other kids to witness bedil exploded which is we can see just from the window. Actually its just a simple fireworks like. Nisa was happy with the event. Najah terbangun by this time. Showered her and fix her with baju kurung.
Around 9:30 AM most of people back home from masjid. Mari bersalam & bermaafan session started. As for Nisa, this was the first significant raya for her. During bersalam with me and her ayah, bergenang mata dia as she asked for forgiveness. Everyone in the house just smile at her.
After salam session, neighboor start knocking the door. Where the raya mood makan-makan session was started and ziarah-menziarah session begin.
That's my raya story. How about yours?
Selamat Hari Raya!

22 cheers!!:

haundem said...

kg kat tganu ke...mak kite org kemaman,nasi dagang xde ke?

dulu umah nyang kite KT gak, kat bulatan penyu tu,( ade lg ke?)tp dh dipindahkan umah tu,landamark lain mcm dh x ingt.huhu

selamat hari raya,maaf zahir batin

p/s suka balik ganu dpt mkn sedap2!

Unknown said...

apakah itu jeruk maman? masam ke?

Nadia said...

haundem: nasi dagang tahun ni tak buat.. tapi masa raya ke-3 join org beratur panjang beli nasi dagang cendering.. 40 min you baru dapat.. bulatan penyu tu dah jadi bulatan batu bersurat dah

lana: maman tu sejenis tumbuhan... you bole google jeruk maman tu or the best yg i jumpa kat sini > http://shahrose76.fotopages.com/?entry=1590859

rasanya takle masam sgt tapi mcm kita makan cili hijau jeruk ngan mee goreng tu...

zan said...

ooooo...Dok melopong dengar u explain pasal jeruk maman.

bestnya dpt balik kampung esp part firing canon tuh and how sweet nisa bersalam...i guess this age, mmg diaorg dah faham..same goes to Nael, siap on his knees heheh..

Nadia said...

*dok tgk muka zan tgh melopong

kan?ye la next 2 years dah masuk std 1.. dah reti sgt2 la.. sayu je hati tgk mata bergenang..

Anonymous said...

fuiyoo.. nisa puasa penuh.. bagusnya.. masih ada lagi tradisi bedil2 nih.. ekin tak pernah dgr and tahu.. thought org hanya pukul gebuk/gendang..

Nadia said...

ekin.. puasa penuh satu hari tu je.. hari lain setgh hari je.. ada lagi tahu bedil ni... kalau kat town KT tu memang turun temurun la.. sampaikan kalau takde rasanya kureng meriah ... bley gitu!

elisataufik said...

lama nya tak makan jeruk maman!!!!

Syikeen Pfordten said...

Selamat Hari Raya... Bestnya dapat beraya kat kampung. AKu dah 3 tahun takde chance nak balik. Anyway cantik theme color baju raya tahun ni..

Nadia said...

kak lisa: balik next year kena makan tu..

syikeen: hehe FYI baju melayu feizal tu raya tawun lepas so maknanya 2 tahun berturut2 la ferfel..masak apa tahun ni?

Lollies said...

kat sini pun (kat bandarlah) letupkan meriam.

boleh bayang nisa suruh buka puasa tu. hahahhaha. kelakar!

nae said...

Meriahnya ramai family members. Anyway, slmt hari raya :)

Syikeen Pfordten said...

Aku buat open house raya ke-3. So ada la masak laksa johor, rendang ayam & daging and some ketupat palas instant and nasi impit instant. Nak buat macamana dah duk jauh ni terpaksa buat semua sendiri. Mana boleh out source outsource je

mosh said...

so lepas bedil boleh bedal la ye? ehehehe.

selamat hari raya. berapa kilo naik balik raya ni?

Nadia said...

lollies: heheh.. ye la mcm la dia sorang je yg dgr.. takpe la bagi dia excited sket puasa..

nae: time kasih menyinggah.. tu tak cukup korum lagi tu

syikeen: agak2 bila aku bole merasa eh? hehehe

mosh: ye la bedal la.. berapa kilo turun & naik tak diambil tahu.. lebih2 lagi dlm keadaan diri yg akan membuyung for next err... 6.5 months...

Diah said...

kita beraya kat shah alam aja... ramai orang kat umah.. diah happy.. hihihi.. comel laah kakak2 ni.. :P nadia bila due??

Nadia said...

diah... nisa until today ingat baby pasha tau.. kalau i tgh browse internet tetiba ada gambar baby mana2.. "eh? baby pasha eh mama?"... due between mid april to end april.. doc could not confirm the date.. every time pergi scan mesti berubah.. insyaallaah next checkup bole reconfirm.

Gartblue said...

itu gambar sangat menarik. wajib di frame and letak kat dinding ..

good to know you guys had a wonderful Raya .. was at hubby's where Raya is uhmm very very low-key .. unlike my side who's Raya is like REALLY BERAYA!

ha ha ha..

Nadia said...

eh? thought dah reply gart's comment... amnesia amnesia..

gart: which gambar...? yeah!! kalau balik kg sendirik keterujaan ku melampau-lampau.. but back to hubby's eheheh.... suka tu suka.. but then.. tak jumpa makanan feveret aka ketupat pulut...sob! sob!

Mommy Ummar said...

awak nampak glowing, rosy. comell
(bila nk berjangkit kt kita ni. hehe)


selamat hari raya..

famyGirl said...

hee hee... echo ery. kita pun nak jangkit dari awak ;)

selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin.

Nadia said...

isk isk.. camne nak kasik jangkit neh??

selamat hari raya to both of you..