Konsert Akhir Tahun

Monday, November 03, 2008

Oh man!! Malasnya nak kerja... My last week most of my office time well spend on the road to customer site. 2 days lepak kat KL and 1 day at Putrajaya. As mak buyung.. penatnya mak aiii...!!

BTW, to fulfill my malasness mood a.k.a ponteng from office work, I shall blog la. lagipon dah lama jugak tu tak update.

Oh ya...Last Sunday, we went to Nisa School Annual Concert.

We went there around 8 o'clock. I'm helping their teacher to prep a few kids. It seems ramai mak2 budak lain do the same, so I decide to find a place to sit. Penat nak berdiri lama-lama. So while sitting in waiting for concert to start, a few kids handing over a piece of paper. Suppose is an itenary of the occasion.

I flipping, and saw a list of students names from both of their branches that have been awarded as an excellent students for year 2008. Its divided by 2 different branch and have 4 classes at each branch. 2 classes for 6 year old kids and 2 Classes for 5 years old kids. Suddenly, my moms pointing out 1 familiar name. Nur Ain Nisa bt Mohammed Feizal as a first student in her class K2 Cactus. Oh man... I almost got caught by teary eyes. Tapi gua nak control macho.. hahahah.. I just smile and share the news to my hubby yang tgh busy jadi photographer. My husband just buat sound.. hmmmmm... tapi kita tahu dia pon control macho gak tu hahahhahah...

Around 9AM, the concert started 2 best students rep from both school branch became a EmCee of the day and 1 ustaz kecik dunno from which branch recite an openning du'a. After, performance from kids from varies type of dancing. Dari zapin, ke hindustan, modern, rap... macam-macam.Nisa performing Dikir Barat. Lagu Anak Tupai. I never heard the song before until for past 2 weeks Nisa keeps on singing the first para of the song at home. Rasanya sebab tu je yang catchy for her. Tu pon her pronunciation in Kelantanese sangatla kelakar bunyinya. On the day, she's wearing Baju Melayu warna kuning complete with sampin and bend ikat kepala. I'm happy she manage to follow all steps. Biasala budak-budak. Dalam ramai2 tu adala yang sibuk lambai kat member/parents la... yang tersalah arah la.. but we had fun watching them.

After 10th performance (there are 20++ of them), they stop for award giving ceremony. Whenever they called for Nisa, my husband cepat-cepat la ambik port nak ambik gambar. Its so proud to watch your own kids step on stage just to receive an award eventho its just a light-weight plastic trophy. :)

After, the show resume, and end around 12 noon.

We decide to bring her to holiday cum wedding invitation at JayBee. The wedding was on 16 Nov, and original plan is just to have short visit now turn to be 1 extra day visit with booking to a place for all of us to enjoy our holiday.

Gambau.. nanti kita upload.



14 cheers!!:

Gartblue said...

whooo hoooo .. *clap clap clap*

way to go Nisa!!

auntie is so the very proud of you .. sat lagi pegi tepuk mama seround, mana tau she's still in her kembang-ed state .. he he he *lariiii*

Nadia said...

gart: hehheh.. memang tgh mengembang but at the same time I'm getting worried.. coz maintaining the number its tougher than improving it...:p

famyGirl said...

yayyy nisa!! yayyy mama nisa!! :D
tahniah buat kedua-duanya

Nadia said...

famy: tq girl...

zan said...

best kan tgk budak2 punya concert...nael siap menari pop yeh yeh :P

bravo nisa...u're such a clever girl...auntie pun tumpang proud :)

Nadia said...

zan: aish... nak tgk nael joget pop yeah yeah...!!!

tq aunt zan... nael pon pandai jugak tu...

Anonymous said...

bravo nisa! congrates!

mosh said...

waa congrats nisa and mama(rawk)nisa! nasib baik tak ujan kat situ eh?

Nadia said...

tq auntie azell...

elisataufik said...

congratulations to both mom and daughter :)
Camner agaknya nisa nyanyi in kelantanese.. "anok tupa lah tupa"

Lollies said...

woo hooo! bestnya! bestnya! congratulations to both of you!

a head start is good for a child.

NJ@Goboklama said...

ado sekor anok tupa, atah jula mokte... Gitu ke lagunya? heheh..

Anyway,congrats tu both of u :)

Nadia said...

tq tq.. kepada aunties semua...

gobok: haaa.. betul la tu... "atah jula mokte" tu apa?

Anonymous said...

alala.. pandai anak mama..