13 Weeks

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am now 13 weeks pregnant. Which is I have +- 29 weeks more to go....huhuhu...

As of now, docs confirm that my due that is on 24 April 2009.

My belly is getting thicker (or wider) every single week. Soon maybe next 2-3 weeks I shall start wearing my old maternity cloth and maybe need to shopping new pair of cloth since the old 1 dah gila2 outdated and worn out.

Oh oh.. I'm yet telling you my how does my first trimester experience. Well 3 pregnancies experience that I went thru is totally different from each other. With Nisa, I have morning-afternoon-evening-night sickness until she was 9 month old in my tummy. With Najah, I don't really have any problem. The only thing that I can remember was, I was really a bit sensitive and tempered when something doesn't really go in my way. And for this 3rd baby, I have no morning sickness issue only that, tekak ku sentiasa mengembang seperti nak muntah tapi tak muntah everytime I had my meal especially masa nak bukak puasa.

My previous pregnancy episode, I don't have any mengidam makan mempelam muda or sewaktu dengannya. Tapi kali ni, fruit stall is my favourite. Jambu, buah kedondong, mempelam muda.. with serbuk asam or kicap belacan or any related to mencicah, menjadi kegemaran saya. Lucky during this time pregnancy I don't have gastritis attack. Kalau tak mau aku kena nag ngan doc... heheheh... nak buat camne.. this is the only things that can stop me from feeling meloya-kembang-tekak....

What else eh? Oh oh tiring or I should say totally exhausted is still remain in me. Dah la kerja kat ofice ni makin nak tutup tahun makin bersepah-sepah... benci sungguh...

Gender? Tak tahu lagi... but Nisa is looking forward for another girl and hubby and most of everybody else hopping and guessing its a boy sebab nengokkan pattern mengandung kali ni suka makan asam. Apa-apa la labu. As for me I just want to go thru easy pregnancy and delievey and at the same time I want this baby healthy. Cukup la... its too late to decide on to try on any petua to get baby boy or girl ke hape...

That's my update for now. Tak tahu la bila pulak bole update. Oh yes, utk pengetahuan, saya ada menbaca blog cik-cik semua cuma tak de le nak mengomen sangat except if mood nak menulis tu dtg, ada le saya tinggal jejak...

Nanti kalau ada mood & modal saya update lagi ya...

p/s: Macam mana nak kasik "jangkit' to those people request to dijangkiti eh? :p

14 cheers!!:

zan said...

hehehe...bunyi macam boy lah mama..i pun dulu suka makan benda masam, segala buah sebabnya asyik rasa nak muntah for 1st trimester...walau apa2 pun bayi dan ibu sihat is the most important thing of all :)

29 weeks lagi?? kejap jer tuh..

Gartblue said...

boy ke girl ke .. we mothers are always always hoping for a smooth-sailing pregnancy and and uneventful deliveries kan?

tapi eee bestnya makan cicah-mencicah .. aku tak tak preggy ni pun suka ..he he he .. take care ye babe .. if things at work are too much, just lupakan sekejap and lepak .. then start balik .. pandailer aku cakap ... ha ha ha

mosh said...

a'ah eh? means wifey is much more pregnant than you are la kan? ehehehe. she's already in her weeks berapa eh? maybe 23 dah kot.

macam mana nak bagi jangkit eh? entah la. i'm trying to figure that out myself...

Nadia said...

zan: mari kita lihat siapa yang kena!!!

gart: yup yg penting semua selamat... jom menyicah!! kalau belah utara teringat kuah rojak mak bee..

mosh: half way to go mosh.. make sure you know when the baby is due... kan tak pasal2 terplan oversea job or vacation plak!!!

Mommy Ummar said...

kita jelles..

(bley gitu?)


kita loya, mual, tak lalu makan (sehari dua ni je), tapi TAK PREGNANT. how?

Nadia said...

ery: menurut kata pak nujum, itu petandanya terlebih makan kat open house tak pon jemputan kawen... food poisoning la bak kata org puteh... ubatnya air kelapa.. tak pon pil chi kit tek aun tak pon.. jumpa aje dokter... tihihiiii..

Anonymous said...

i love maternity clothes. Semua lawa-lawa. Tak kisah la mengidam apa pun, janji both baby and mamarawker sehat.

Dah berapa kilo tambah ni?

Nadia said...

berapa kilo tambah tak pernah direkodkan lagi.. bley?

tapi yg pasti walking speed saya sudah tak mampu mencecah speed limit...

Anonymous said...

apa maksud u berjangkit ??
as in berjangkit preggy ke or berjangkit dapat baby boy/girl

kat office kite kalau sorang preggy nanti ada la yg ikuutt he he mcm last year tu ada dekat 5/6 orang jugak kut

insyaAllah you dapat boy eh :)

dulu masa kite preggy twin girl tu sangat suka makan dessert, bubur la itula inila, my hubby owe me high tea

Nadia said...

LD: berjangkit preggy... uh? high tea.. kat mana tu?

Anonymous said...

tambah lagi sorang eh... congrats!

Nadia said...

papabear.. bila lagi nak tambah anak beruang?

famyGirl said...

nak jangkit! nak jangkit!! :D

semoga awak have a smooth pregnancy, and delivery!! i had to endure long labor hours for both my deliveries, 24 dan 30 jam!! tapi tak serik2 kan? hee hee

Nadia said...

30 hours!!?? wow.. and you still have enuf energy or shoudl i say power to pop them out... tererist sungguh awak!!.. tapikan memang tak serik... esp bila tgk baby baru.. mesti rasa nak preggy.. hihih..