... dunno what to put in as a title..

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Nothing much to share about school open week. Today Nisa start her 'senior' year at her kindy. I just sent her in to so called check-in to get her new name tag and she proceed into her new class and met her friends. Today also her first day on Quran reading class.So additional activity of the day for Nisa. Lucky I have a neighbor who sent her kids to the same place. So Nisa is going to menumpang my neighbor's car to the class which is not so distance away from our house.
At first I thought to register Nisa to KAFA learning at the same center but since our neighboor's son did not want to join in KAFA class yet but only to quran reading, and we decide just to follow neighboor's routine. Ye la kan nak mintak tolong orang kena la ikut schedule dia. I hope she can learn this class better from me yang only end up alif baa taa... pastu next few weeks repeat on the same page..in other words.. mak dia tak consistent nak mengajar..*hang head in shame
As mention in my previous entry, I will be on short trip to a few states in the country. So for this time around, I will be on a day trip to KT, then JB and laytur to KB. Budget calculated and at least for myself, I have to prep RM300 for parking fares at KLIA and also for taxi service when I reach the destination. 
So hope this is going to be my last outstation trip. Tak larat dah. So true when people says the older you are, the more the tak larat-ness on carrying baby in the tummy. Tak dapat nak bayangkan how LazyD went thru her twins pregnancy last time. Fuh!!
Just got a called from hubby who just having stupid session with LHellDN due to his 2002 tax declaration forms missing from the record. All I can says its a stup*d process. We first figure out that the forms went missing on 2003 but LHellDN keep on saying that the try to look up the form for us. Its all started when we wants to hire Indonesian maid (not thru agent) and J form was requested as a part of requirement by Imigresen. So upon request the J form from LHellDN, they just realise that the form was missing from their manual filling system.  All in all this beurocracy system causes us truly exhausted and LHellDN does not seems to solve the issues immediately. And because of that also, we decide to cancel hiring maid and sending Nisa to nursery.
Now like after 6 - 7 years for us its history to forget with but somehow new LHellDN management re-open the case and sh*t us with the same hassle over again. Hubby dealing with this makcik kaunter with unpleasent attitude. She simply request hubby just to fill up the same form just to fill in those missing records.And you know 2002 EA forms was no longer in our record. And the kompeni that my husband work with on that particular year was no longer exist in the world. Hubby's explaination  was completely denied by this makcik. She simply told that we should keep it safely. Dalam hati gua.. "Same as(s) you too.. you also should keep our record right?"... But malas to argue hubby just let the stupid makcik as she is. Ohhh!! WHATEVER....
For me can we just close the case. Our salary during that time does not make any good impact to the country. For a sake of few ringgits... we have to go thru this hassle.. what more we the one who needs to bare our  own parking cost fuel cost just to have a visit to this LHellDN. Bukan bole claim pon. What a waste of time. Some more with unpleasent service from makcik kaunter (that we paid their salary... ceh!!) its truly makes this sort of horible journey...
....Or was it the recession makes them actively korek all possible money to cover government expenses?

12 cheers!!:

Mommy Ummar said...

i senyum baca ur post ni.
i can imagine kemalasan nk deal ngan service counter mcm tu.

but my latest record i experienced velly good service at gomen office percaya tak? i sendiri rasa..woww.
recently i pegi renew my maid's visa kt imigresen SA branch, i sampai sana about 8.30am mcm tu and can u believe by 8.40am i step out the place dengan tersenyum happy deal done!
mcm tak percaya kan? hehe

Nadia said...

imigresen improve their services i think since new canggih passport exist.. that 1 i can't denied... so imigresen provides good service...

but other gomen agency..aisehmen... with all procedure and somemore dapat pulak makcik tak cun perangai pon tak cun kan... demmit btol...

for me to burden us with this stupid hassle i can tolerate but with tak cun attitude..owh man... miserable...

Unknown said...

i dah long forgo my claims. banyak sangat hal. tu nak claim duit kita sendiri tu. tension. i hear you, dear!

Nadia said...

Lana: You lagi sadis... to claim your own moni... like my case they force us agaknya nak claim more money from us... dah le kena go thru with the hassle...no win on my side...

Lazydaisy said...

lhdn owe me $$$, tah bile la nak dapat tu. my experience with twin pregnancy ? berat la time tu jalan pun senget senget. sebab tu i nak tutup kedai dah :) serik serik.

Nadia said...

LD: doakanla $$$ tu you dapat balik.. rezeki for anak2.. tu la i can't imagine if myself got twins.. adoiii.. musti sakit montot...ouch!! salute la sama lu!

famyGirl said...

errrkkks cannot imagine kalau i pregnant. sure lagi berat nak bawak hahaha

Nadia said...

famy: :p

zan said...

tak perasan betul your post..

so how now brown cow...dah settle ker? this time around u r hiring maid?

i hope i can get preggy this year..doa2 kan lah utk kita..:)

take care you :)

Nadia said...

zan: hahah blom settle as we buat dunno lak this time around...heheeh... maid? ntah la... so much easy (less headache) with nursery... but lessen my burden on maintaining kekemasan rumah with maid... tgh fikir lagi...

NJ@Goboklama said...

aiseh,bila la nak peknen nih...

Nadia said...

goboklama: btol ke nak peknen nih? my officemate guna bi0dex after like 12 years trying to conceive... cuba la.. mana tahu usaha tangga kejayaan.. diiringi doa... makbul dari yg MAHA ESA...