What's Up?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I bit busy this month. Busy travel at 3 states but alhamdullillah it was over yesterday. My last trip was Kota Bahru but I did not went out for shopping... mak buyung malas nak menjajah.. I apent my 'free' time while waiting my return flight with Masyi my x-mate masa kat Petr0nas dulu... she's also mak buyung (first timer) and both of us may have a baby at the same month and most probably date dekat-dekat... so both mak buyung malas nak menapak and we end up having long cit-cat melepaking ourselves at Yati Ayam Percik... perghhhh... makanan banyak nya... macam pergi pasar ramadhan with all yummy kuih muih and ayam percik, nasi kerabu with varieties of lauk-pauks.. rambang mata ku dibuatnya...

By the way, for me to share a details of my business trip tu agak membosankan la... so a better not rambling on that part...

This month Nisa had loosing 2 of her front teeth. 1 we cabut by ourselves guna teknik tarik with benang but for second tooth, we have to get helps from dentist as her permanent teeth dah overlap with goyang tooth itu... Now Nisa is a bit rongak but not so obvious because her permanent dah start naik.. we really hope that the gigi will back in the position or else she may end up pakai braces la kot besau2 esok...

As this was her first timer visit a dentist , she a bit thrill when have a chance to sit on top of the dentist chair... "Macam dalam cerita Mr. Bean la mama.." Ye la tu... she's a bit calm when the doc put it on some paste (dunno what is that.. malas nak tanya but I think its suppose to have a numbness effect on the gum)... she's a bit busy asking that's and that...itu apa.. ini apa... ye la.. mak nenek... tengah-tengah dia sibuk bercakap tu doc terus plug out her tooth... apa lagi budak manja sorang ni... meraung la dalam bilik tu.. hahahah... Najah witness the scene a bit thrill asking to do at her teeth as well... dia ingat best kot.. tak tahu akak dia menangis tahan sakit...

As of now, doc advise us to keep on monitor on Nisa teeth as her permanent teeth come out faster and possible overlapping with her milk teeth itu sangat tinggi.... nasib doc tu murah je.. sekalik cabut RM20 but may depends la kot.. kalau injection mahal sket kot...

As she's (Nisa) experience loosing her teeth now, for first few hours she had to control her air liur bila bercakap.. asyik tersembur je sebab 'pagar' dah hilang...heheheh...

The good things, as she knows that pulling out the teeth had no fun at all (mama also hate dentist actually).. everytime after she done with brushing her teeth sibuk la suruh orang check gigi dia bersih tak.. ada ulat ke tak... heheheh....

What else.. oh ye.. mak buyung ni dah masuk third trimester... maka at this stage usually sedar tak sedar dah nak bersalin... pray for me please... weekend ni we have set our time to shop some baby stuff... current one yg elok tinggal 10 pasang je baju (day & night cloth) from various of size and age... pulak tu kakak-kakak dia suka la play with cute cloth, mittens and socks dekat teddy bear... maka bila check balik ada la terhilang sebelah... tak cukup situ sini...aiyoh!!!

Owhh.. saya ada berhutang ngan Puan Famy la.. hutang tag... alang-alang tu saya langsaikan kat sini terus la.

7 facts you may not know about me:
- I'm not really a rawker.. I can layan all.. dangdut pon bole
- Anak bongsu in the family but don't feel that way as my 2 sisters got married when I'm 4 years old and I was awarded niece and nephew on my 5th birthday... kecik-kecik dah jadik makcik.. tak best btol... but I'm very close to both of them. Sekepala la katakan..
- Saya ni artis zaman skola rendah dolu-dolu.. very active in school drama, nasyid, and also will take part in every year end performance.. hahahah..poyo je..
- Tak pernah ada multi choice of handbags and shoes... as I wear them until hancur then decide to buy new one...
- Very liat bangun pagi.. not a morning person...
- Tak suka basuh baju, sidai baju, lipat baju, gosok baju, jahit baju... sometimes shopping baju pon benci...
- kecik-kecik dulu kuat melawa.. siap curi lipstik mak buat main... bila dah kerja ni.. nak sapu bedak kat muka ni pon malas..

7 things that scare me:
- Tengok citer Ju'on.. hehehhe... benci arr citer tu..
- Open space at higher place.. aka gayat
- Crawly creatures..eiiii!!
- Reptile dan sewaktu dengannya... eiiiii!!!
- Terpesong fahaman agama...dan sewaktu dengannya.. nauzubillah
- Tempat licin... tak suka tau .. senang jatuh..
- Kena berurut atas urusan perubatan... kalau urut SPA tu saya suka la.. er... ni bersalin ni kena urut lagi.. argghhh tension mokcik!!

7 songs that I like the most:
- Lips of the angel (Hinder)
- Kejora (Search)
- Song for Mama (Boyz II Men)
- Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Diana Ross)
- Mendung Tak Bererti Hujan (Ella & Deddy Dores)
- Total Eclipse OF The Heart (Bonnie Tyler)
- I Love You (Celline Dion)

7 phrases that I say the most:
- Whatever...
- Duhhh!!
- Itu la pasal..
- Hmmm....
- Eh? Suka bapak dia je..
- Apakah!!??
- Oh well...

7 of my precious things:
- My Nikon
- My wedding ring
- My HTC
- My Mr. Saga
- Gambar boyfriend now hubby in my purse.. tehehehe... gambar lama tu...
- My the one and the only handbag
- IC kot hahaha.. kang takde jadik PATI lak!!

7 memorable first timers:
- Pergi Australia specifically to Sydney & Canberra.. sponsored trip hehehhe..
- Pergi Umrah and had to left Nisa for first time... nangis sakan aku.. walhal pergi 2 minggu je.. gua emo sket...
- First time bersalin...with Nisa of course!
- Working at Petr0nas for 5 years with 40 good team mates.. love working with them
- First time naik flight from KT to KL masa umur 7 tahun.. heheh... jakun sungguh masa tu.. tapi yg best dapat special attention je dari abang pramugara yang hensem itu hahahah...
- First time dapat period masa form 2. Dah la hari tu ada kenduri tahlil.. ramai sedara mara... gua pulak first time la dapat menstrual pain itu... dengan sakit+malu+tension sebab semua makcik2 dan cousin aku sibut bertanya.. menci!!
- Of course la kahwin kan.. mesti memorable... kalau tak memorable tu carik pasal la...

Oh itu sahaja...

9 cheers!!:

أم الليث said...

hahaha kelakar la baca your 7 things tu. eh cayalah..kita sama= not morning person.

seronoknya lepak kat KB. makan sedap wo..ayam percik lagi tu...yummmmeeeeeeee!!

not too bad eh dentist bill. kat melbourne ni wpun tak buat apa2 pun kene byr gak consultation fee $60. erkkk. bayangkan kalau kena cabut gigi.berlubang poketku

Nadia said...

aliya: nasib short trip.. kalau dok seminggu kat KB tu mau mak buyung ni membina berat badan dgn jayanya...

oh dentist kat Malaysia ni kena pandai carik.. ada yg murah ada yg mahal... tapi kalau adult they may charge mahal sikit kot.. like recently my friend kena pull off her wisdom tooth that cost her RM400... because its involve some minor operation...euw!! ngilu makcik!

Anonymous said...

pegi klinik nurul kat bandar puteri ke ? oo dah third trimester dah ke ? cepatnya masa, tau tau nanti dah bersalin je..i have loads of baby stuff to let go nak ke ? insyaAllah i tutup kedai dah ni heheh :P

cepatnya nisa dah tumbuh gigi baru, my son danial belum pun lagi.. dah darjah 1 pun hero tu

Nadia said...

LD: tak... sebab tak tahu situ ada dentist.. heheh.. kita pergi dekat seri kembangan near to my in law house...
baby stuff? er er... bukan menolak rezeki tau.. tapi rasanya ada orang lain yang lagi layak untuk terima sumbangan you... :).. jgn kecik ati tau!!

part nisa tu pon agak surprise jugak la... how's the school eh? OK ke?

zan said...

eiii cepatnya nisa dah tumbuh gigi?? nak tergelak pun ada bab2 sembur sebab dah takde pagar hehehe...

ohh dulu kerja petronas, 5 yrs..lama jugak tu..ada nak ke mana2 lagi tak lepas nie? ;)

Nadia said...

zan: kena betulkan balik ayat saya tu.. i work to serve Petronas user... outsource kat situ.. gaji still with Mesin...
lepas ni.. ntah cam malas nak apply kerja.. mcm stay sampai pencen je...

Azell said...

"Tak suka basuh baju, sidai baju, lipat baju, gosok baju, jahit baju... sometimes shopping baju pon benci..." <---- SAMA!!!! hahaha.. tak suke buat semua tu jugak..

waah.. nisa dah tumbuh gigi permanent, kite hasben pun tadak lagi.. sigh..

Nadia said...

azell: How I wish kat donia ni ada machine yg bole buatkan semua tu.. especially part lipat baju & gosok baju... heheheh.. weh.. tak lama lagi tu ada la hasben... pejam celik sok dah nak nikah...

Anonymous said...

Siannya kena cabut gigi.
hehe.. interesting facts.