June: Its A Month For Nisa

Monday, June 29, 2009

This is a compilation of Nisa's achievement and her activities entry. I was drafting this entry bit by bit. My time is too tight. At home busy handling kids as well as berebut laptop to watch cartoon from U-tube. At office I was in midst of transition and handsover period. Will doing something new in my career. That's going to be a different entry (if there is enough time to write about it) :-).. busynya la kau!!
By the way, month of June, there are a few things about Nisa.

She's now officially 6 years old girl on 17th June. We did held small birthday celebration with my IL's family. Original plan is for us to have a break at Cameron Highland but somehow, hubby have to get to office on Sunday. So we change our route to Port Dickson to have a splash at Teluk Kemang but somehow there was a slightly heavy rain when we arrived. After taking all considerations with 2 months old baby and offers from old family friends, we spend our time at Gl0ry Beach Resort while waiting the rain subside. Nisa having her Ultraman vs Doraemon cake cutting ceremony even the wheather a bit somber. Luckily kids being kids, they are still the same hyperactive in any days or wheather. Later kids jump into the pool and enjoy themselves... breastfed mommy kenot jump into the pool..mommy kena tengok dari jauh je la this time

She fall on third place on her exam. Slightly degrade from last year. Tapi for us its OK. She overall knows what she learn to and apply on what she had learnt in her daily routines. Only a careless during exam that cause her lost a few points. Due to that, she was not able to get air-cond to be fixed in her room and her daddy no need to spend money to fixed a dvd player in our tikus-mondok. heheheh... but we still bring her to PD for double celebrations (birthday & academic achievement).

She won 1st place on Story Telling competition at her school. There were 4 categories. English for 6, BM for 6, English for 5 and BM for 5. In each category, there is 6 students who compete for a gold-light-weight-plastic-trophy, silver-light-weight-plastic-trophy and also bronze-light-weight-plastic-trophy (saja la kan type panjang-panjang.. boleh aje cakap trophys tehehehe...). So Nisa was telling about lion and mouse story. She was trained by her teacher, me and of course her "pronounciation master" aka my hubby for about a month.
Luckily I was still in maternity leave masa tengah training tu.

She just wore brown shirt & pants with "McD Alex (madagascar) head band" and her kasut sekolah on that day. As a malas and not very creative mommy that's all that I did (terukkan?). There were a few kids who the parents "decorates" their kids pretty well. Some of them with complete mermaid costume, ada itik complete with flappy ducky.

But all in all, with her own effort and excitement nak naik atas stage, she confidently tell her story and won 1st prize in English for 6 category. Mommy so proud, ayah lagi la kembang hidung with riak takburnya cakap (to me only la..)"biasala.. anak kitakan terer".. poyo je! :p
The story goes this way....(takpe ke.. sampai ngan mak skali hafal..)

A lion was sleeping under a tree when suddenly a mouse ran over his face. He roared angrily and caught the mouse in his paws. He about to kill him when mouse pleaded for his life.

"Please, please let me go" said the mouse
"I may be able to do something for you 1 day"

The lion laugh at his word and let him go.

Soon after this, the lion was trapped by some hunters. While he was hanging on a net from a tree, the mouse heard his roar. The mouse ran there and bite through the rope. Soon the lion was free.

The lion says "Now I believe that someone small can be helpfull to someone bigger"

The end.

Pendek je.. tapi for 6 years old kids its an effort and good exposure for them too kan?

All in all I was so proud on her. I pray that she can keep her momentum and positive attitude. Stay healthy and happy in her life. Amin.

5 cheers!!:

mosh said...

apasal anak orang semua dapat nombor kecik eh? huhuhu.

Nadia said...

isk isk.. anak org lain saya tak tau.. tapi yg saya tau.. anak saya still have long way to go.. ni baru tadika.. next year masuk std 1 camne la pulak.. pray hard that she able to keep her momentum..

zan said...

i'm so very hapy for nisa :) anak jantan say aberat mulut..penuh dengan emas kot hehehe.. mak bapak silalh proud dgn anak2 ye..itu sudah semestinya!

eh eh ceta laa pasal kerja baru...chewahh..mesti best!!

Nadia said...

zan: kerja? nanti dulu... now to early to talk about it...

Syikeen Pfordten said...

Nadia... anak kalau terer memang bapak selalu puji pastu memang always refer to ' anak kita' or ' anak ayah'. Cuba kalau anak tu nakal ke apa always 'tu la anak you...'

Apa pun terer ke tak anak2 tetap anak2 kita sebab kita yg ngandungkan diaorg....