On 20 Weeks & Salam Aidiladha

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

People who didn't know that I'm pregnant start question me now when they bump with my bloaty tummy.

"Eh?? Dah berapa bulan? Bila due?"

"Baru masuk lima..insyaallah mid april next year keluar la.."

"Hah?? Keciknya perut..."

Senyum je le...

Its not that common for me having not so buggy tummy during this stage. I still remember change to maternity uniform when I was at 15 weeks when I was pregnant 2 years back. But for this time, normal cloth still fits me well only a bit streatchy dekat waist area... to be honest sometimes I felt a bit concern on this progress but always tell myself 2 pregancies never be the same...

Eventhough the tummy is not so 'bulky' now... but like any other preggers, I'm now start to feel like Thom@s the tank engine. I'm huffing and puffing when I need to finish my long sentences... I'm huffing and puffing when I need to climb the stairs... I'm huffing and puffing when I need to scream when my two little clones start to fighting and crawling on top each other or whenever when I want them to clear all the toys yg berselarakan di ruang tamu after playtime... time-time cenggini la selalu terlintas kat hati nak amik maid.. bestnya kalau ada... hehehe..

My walking speed sudah getting slower... maklumla dah jadi "kenderaan muatan berat"... this coming Friday I will be on my time-off after berjaya mengorbankan my family times on my 2 Saturdays at client place. Will have a monthly checkup. I need to go thru glucose test as my family records was doing so "well" registring ourselves with diabetes club. I hope the result remain the same as previous years. Plus darah2 dibadanku akan disedut keluar jugak on this Friday for other related test (HIV, blood count bla,bla, bla..yada yada yada).

Oh ya... next week dah nak menyambut Raya Haji... reading on Kak Elisa post in the midst if preparing herself to join Haj Pilgrims this year... membuatkan saya rasa sgt la "cemburu" dengan dia.... rezeki dia tahun ni dapat pergi menunaikan ibadah Islam yang utama itu... bila la pulakkan "turn" kita? InsyaAllah... To Kak Elisa, I don't know if you have a time to bloghop... but just to wish you... Selamat menunaikan ibadah haji... insyaAllah haji mabrur.. semoga selamat perjalanan pergi, ketika menunaikan ibadah dan pulang ke pangkuan keluarga... semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan... amin..

To all... Selamat Menyambut Raya Qurban...

12 cheers!!:

أم الليث said...

dah sampai halfway mark! hang in there..adoii..

eid mubarak in advance. raya kat mana?

IKHWANI said...

Semoga pregnancy awak lancar dan baby sihat.

Kita pun jeles gak dengar orang pi haji. Mudah2an turn kita pulak dalam masa terdekat, insyaAllah.

Mommy Ummar said...

(nak pregnant jgk)


Nadia said...

aliya... terasa besau lubang hidungku setiap kali mengah heheheh..

kak OO... tq kak.. insyaallah.. harap2nya berjalan lancar la pregnancy journey saya this time...

olab... meh jom pakat doakan semoga cik ery dimurahkan rezeki.. ada la tu nanti...:)

zan said...

wahh dah lima ....how time flies :)

salam aidil adha...

zan-yg teringin nak preggy lagi :P

Nadia said...

lupa nak jawab.. saya raya kat Puchong je this time... budget nak travel balik kg dah abis heheheh...

Nadia said...

zan... jomla.. preggie sama2..

mosh said...

selamat hari raya!

if the scans says baby size is ok, ok lah tu. normally most of the weight gained not from the baby pun kan? ehehe

Nadia said...

mosh.. btol la jugak teori tu... I may have a "video conference" (scan la tuh) with baby tomorrow.. just pray la everything is going to be alright...

Jill Yusoff said...

on a totally unrelated topic, i like your blog banner :)

MommyCool said...

Nadia, Congratulations!!!
Preggers lagi.. ishh.. takut mak dengar.. tanak beranak lagi dah...
Anyway, good luck.. hopefully boy plak this time ek..

Nadia said...

dory: tq cik dory

min: tq tq.. cukup ke dua kau? apsal takut babe? trauma eh? semua org hope its boy this time...