
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

...a body at rest tends to stay at rest ..and resist any thought or deed related to work...

In short the BIG M desease in me... oh well..

Pictures taken since november remain in our memory card... I need to transfer at least by end of this week. Wants to share with you guys gambar orang gelak sakan during kenduri kahwin Puan Aie kita... hehehe...

What's new? Nothing much... my tummy getting bigger now.. I'm getting to my 25th week of pregnancy journey... 3 more months for me to enjoy on kicking and punching inside my tummy...

My pocket really cair this month... we'd replaced our old misbehave Perd@na with Rattus norvegicus or Tikus Mondok. We have to do it since our Perd@na sudah suka melepak kat kedai mekanik-ah-meng-kat-simpang-empat-traffic-light-kat-rumah-gua. So this month until end of next month we have to squeeze our expenses to cope with Nisa new year school fees, transportation fees, first service for our Mondok. Also there is a plan from company for me to travel at 2 states. Eventho they going to pay/book for flight but I still need to fork out my own pocket money first for taxi. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

As a muslim, we'd celebrate our Muslims new year and another 2 days to go before we celebrate new year for our Gregorian Calendar...So Happy New Year to all.. Wish a good year ahead... For me, I can't wait until April for me to deliver my baby but at the same time I realy enjoy my menstrual-free for now... :-)

11 cheers!!:

elisataufik said...

eh lagi 4 bulan.. cepat nya rasa..
Selamat Tahun Baru to you too :)

Anonymous said...

nak tengok gambar ??
kite tak dapat datang twin tak berapa sihat. we also nearly buy the same r*nd* tapi last minute tukar to different one..

bagus la u all baby belum keluar dah pakai seven seater i selalu bising at my hubby we all baby dah keluar kete tak upgrade jugak heheeh nasib baik at long last dapat jugak seven seater ni..

anyways dah scan baby apa ?
happy new year to you, kim salam kat picang eh larat lagi ke travel dah sarat-sarat tu ?

IKHWANI said...

kesian, awak penat ya??

p/s: berapa blogger friends yang awak jumpa at the wedding?

Nadia said...

kak lisa: same to you..

ld: you ambik apa? liv*na? so far ini yg terbaik dan termampu buat kitorg.. tu pon dah terasa jugak la kena squeeze other budget..

baby dah scan but we never get a chance to see the "anu".. doc pon tak berani lagi nak confirm... next month try "skodeng" lagik... heheheh..

ikut hati memang la tak larat nak trevel... tapi duduk je pon penat jugak... i just hope this is going to be my last long dist business trips.. lepas tu nak jual mahal dah.. hehehe..

OO: haaa.. nanti pakat2 check kat f@cebook or my flickr.. ok

Gartblue said...

babe .. should I worry ? *yikes*

Nadia said...

gart... tehehe.. check out mukabuku..

mosh said...

mahal jugak the new version of tikus mondok tu eh?

apasal tak stay on to take group photo on the pelamin? tengok2 dah takde plak.

Nadia said...

mosh: bole tahan la tapi if you compare other mini mpv pon lebih kurang jugak...

i want to but our second getting restless already... with her flu and its her nap time... so decide to go... tgh kecoh2 time tu... mana nak pujuk sikecik tu nak say goodbye lagi... so kelam kabut and the decision pon agak kurang bijak heheheh...

Unknown said...

Wedding Aei?? serious, saya terlupa! Nak tengok gambar.. ?

Lollies said...

tell me tell me why are they laughing like that? :D

Nadia said...

lana: dah upload.. check out facebook >

lollies: seriously i have no idea sebab masa tu i tgh tgk pengantin makan err.. ke potong kek... the gelak-sakan pin was taken by hubby... bila i tgk kat camera baru terperasan hehehe.. kena tunggu famy kasik input...