
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Its true that you can be pregnant for 9 months but the clock ticking slowly when approaching last date and you cannot wait anymore.

Have a mental note exchange with baby just now:

Me: Dear baby, almost everybody anxiously to see you. Can you come out today?

Baby: Dear Mama, have decided not to make my way so soon. Feels nice and safe, even though getting a little cramped here. After all, I did enjoy myself with a good food that you share with me.

Me: Dear baby. You cannot stay in there forever.

Baby: Dear Mama. Doesn't feel like it's time for me to come out yet.

Me: Dear baby. If you feel doesn't wants to come out, why you keep on pressing alarm button for me to assume "oohh I think this is it" but then after 20 minutes you off the alarm and I can hear you say "Just kidding hehehe". Its been a month you know!!

Baby: Hello... there is no entertainment in "the house". After all, I can hear my two sisters happily watching cartoon, enjoying their ride every evening. So that's the only game that I can play with you. I can feel your concentration on me every time I pressing the button. And I know not only you, its Ayah too!!hehehehe...

Me: Apsal notty ni?! Blom keluar dah pandai kenakan orang ye! Nak kena babab montot?

Baby: Ahhh ni yg malas nak keluar ni.. ok la Mama. I'm so sleepy after enjoying our breakfast. Just wait la Mama... see you when I see you OK!. Yawn! *stretching his leg and kicking mummy's inner tummy.

Me: Ces!!

7 cheers!!:

butterflutter said...

tee...hee...hee...Feel like ikan paus kan. Anyways, all the best.

mosh said...

notty ayah pressing the button all the time :p

Unknown said...

belum keluar dah nak kena babab? hehe.. semoga dipermudahkanNya

zan said...

har har har...he/she memang cute sgt!!!

bila start cuti kerja?

Anonymous said...

My wife dah selamat deliver...

Baby boy at 9.59 pm, weigh at 3.11 kg.

Both of them are fine.

We are in room 368 of North Tower SJMC.

zan said...

alhamdulillah :)

yeahh baby boy, ayah ada geng :)

kirim salam to nad...but bilanya bersalin? i guess last friday?

NJ@Goboklama said...

syukran,alhamdulillah... :)