Here.. there...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Life being so hectic lately both working and personal life hence poor updates from me. So what's new or news from me. Here some updates:
This girl can talk, sing, and talk and sing again non-stop for a day. Pretty tired for others just to listen over her school stories or Powerpuff Girls and Powerpuff Girls Z or singing or do some spelling or telling on doodles and so on and so forth...- non stop. So you can imagine us in long or short (pretty enough) journey for us just to listen her.. sometimes it does entertain us.. but when its too much jadi irritating pon ada.. nak buat camne kan? Dah memang talkative... let it be je la...
This girl was having allergy reactions since after Chinese New Year. She's now under anti-histamine medication. So far she cannot eat seafood stuff (including keropok), cheese & banana. Dah la tu favourite dia. Will see how it goes. According to dermatologist, it will fade away in 6 weeks. But if it still there, she had to go thru blood test.
On Pregnancy
I'm approaching 34th weeks this weekend. So its about 6 more weeks to go. I have not decided which tukang urut that I have to choose...there are a few of them near to my house... thinking of to get them to help me on bathing the baby as well for first 7 days at home... undecided! undecided! Babys' item almost complete.. errr sort off...I'm still looking up for spare parts of my @vent breast pump. Most of the place that I went sez its out of stock... Ordering from UK takes sometimes to get delievered. Seek help from frens at UK.. but postage alone can cost me 30 pounds tak termasuk barang... might as well buy new je kat sini... or may end up buy other brand je la...
Our house now under renovation after 5 years living there without doing any major changes. No kitchen cabinets.. no fancy fence/gates... no fancy painting ...those stuff...its just a plain original house..
Since our kitchen now we felt that its need some major refreshment plus kitchen aid those pinggan mangkuk makin bertambah but no proper place to keep, and our house are getting lusuh every single year with all kulat hitam dinding luar with a money in hands we decide to do those things in 1 short. I think its going to be our first and last major renovation to the house.... hehehehe...
So now our dapur sudah pecah... Thanks to self-service laundry that available these days... I may spend 1 hour of my time sitting & lepaking at dobi. Tak kuasa la mokcik nak memberus baju kat rumah tu. dengan perut dah membuyut nih... Lagipon takde tempat nak sidai.. (heheheh alasan...)..
Ok la.. its 15 minutes to 5pm.. getting ready to chow...heheheh...

13 cheers!!:

Mommy Ummar said...

yuhhuu..tulah lama tak dengar citer awak tup tup dh masuk 34 weeks dh.

tht dobi place nampak nice kan. bersih berkilat. kita pun suka

Nadia said...

itu dobi kat SS15 Subang. Nice & cosy but kat luar tu busuk sket sebab kat sebelah tu ada night restaurant... so sampah makanan menimbun.. sesekali tercium jugak la aroma kurang menyenangkan tu...
eh tapi kat depan tu ade Jacuzzi... hehhe...

Diah said...

i baru nak tanya dobi kat mane tuh.. ehehehe.. senang lah dengar update from u mamarawk.. kalau baby lahir nanti bgi tahu diah yeeekk.. pasha nak jumpa baby plak.. eh dah tau keer boy or girl ni??

Nadia said...

diah.. insyaallah.. will tell the news.. thru facebook maybe... kalau takde aral or things followm the plan I will deliver the baby dekat SJMC... so very the near from your place kan? I will try to announce it..

zan said...

ahhh baru sekarang dengar update..i pun dok teringat tah2 u dah meletops heheh..belum lagi rupanya dan masih sempat buat house renovation!

take things easy and take care :)

Anonymous said...

harap harap rumah u sempat siap before beranak. pakai contractor mana kin chai ke ?

Anonymous said...

ada satu online shop ni dia jual avent parts

NJ@Goboklama said...

eyyyyy,bestnya ada DIY laundry. I punya auto wm dh rosak,trpaksa le dimanualkan,penat woooo kalau basuh stok seminggu,menggunung gitu!

hv a hepi days ahead mamarawks!!

Nadia said...

zan: hehehe.. blom meletop lagi.. take things easy punya pasal la ni dgn gamblenya kitorg renovate rumah during this stage... risau jugak tapi look at the progress tu mcm sempat...

ld: insyaallah sempat siap.. tapi mungkin bersepah sikit la time tu kalau harap si picang tu je yg mengemas... ha 'ah kitorg hire kin chai... kerja ok tapi towkei dia suka cakap belit2 sket... kena careful sket...btw thanks for the link..

NJ: best tau.. i jenis kumpul baju for 2 days so worth for 14kg laundry that cost me RM10 (RM5 for washer & RM5 for dryer)...tapi yg best within 1 hour dah kering sumer baju.. hepi days ahead to you too..

Anonymous said...

hai nadia.
*hugs sikit*
excellent nya hantar baju gi basuh.. tapi erk, apsal tak suruh picang aje yang bawak bundle2 tu? awak tu dok aje lah kat rumah, lepak2.. hehehehe

hihihi.. kalau reno tak sempat siap time deliver, maka nya kes kita sama lah nanti. I gave birth to aliyah, tapi contractor tak sempat nak siap kan before beranak. Ha, tu dia kletang kletung .. layan aje bunyi bising. Mau meroyan okeh!! :-P


Nadia said...

irma: hiiiiiii... insyaallah siap... now in process mengecat & touch up.. tapi kalau tak sempat siap 100% i hope those kletang kletung tu dah takde.. cuma rumahku bersepah le.. so tetamu yg dtg visit akan menyaksi kan washing machine kat dining area... pinggan mangkuk ku beselerakan atas lantai.. heheheh..

Anonymous said...

hi kak nad.. ur first n last renovation..? r u sure? hehehe apa2 pun nanti letak gambar umah baru kay.. hmm mcm tak sabar pulak nak tgk

Nadia said...

ekin: nmpk gayanya gitu la... sebab dah abis ruang dah tu... kalau ada rezeki lain tu kitorg invest utk mende lain la plak... insyaallah akan di sharekan gambo nya..