Caca Marba

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Conjunctivitis virus had successfully attacking our family members in the house. Started with Najah then pass to my mum, then hubby and now my turn. Sungguh tak best when you have to experience braxton hicks+conjunctivitis+messy house at the same time.

Our house renovation 95% complete. Tinggal mende remeh temeh je lagi.. I'm slowly cleaning up all the mess that have do with renovation (habuk simen berterbangan etc.etc..). I luveeeee my new kitchen. Sungguh puas hati.... lepas ni no more excuse malas masak from me... heheh.. this weekend already book for house cleaning and preparation for baby's arrival. The only things that I'm not able to complete here is my promise to prep new curtain for 'new brand' Nisa's room. Tak sempat dan tak kose la plak nak merayap ke kedai kain jus for this. Some more not so urgent but Nisa keep on 'pastering' me when should we hang new curtain for her. Hehe....

I hope baby won't make its way out too soon or at least the place is ready for his/her arrival. Will have another appointment with fav Dr. Siti this coming Saturday for my 38 weeks check up and as last check-up 2 weeks ago, baby weigh +-2.8kg and baby has positioned itself for delivery. Even myself already feel discomfort while I have to walk. Terasa seperti ada mende sangkut in between my pelvic bone. Sleepless night for me when I have to turn from other side to another side plus dictracted by kicking legs & arms from Najah. Dah la malam-malam sekarang ni panas... aiyoh!!

Office works reducing for now for me. No more site visit for me. My last visit to Telco customer totally makes them worries about my condition some more while they 'catch' me holding mild pain with braxton hicks. Markah kesian kat gua bos pon have to make do with other resources in the office. With current economic situation, hiring more members is the last opt that management have to do. I've seen colleagues have to stretch out for more works. Kesian for them but sooner or laytur I will be on my maternity leave. Better to transfer current client progress while I'm still around. Already warn them that I'm not picking up any office call for work stuff during my maternity. Heheheh...

I think that's all for now. I know that my updates is not as freq as before. So not sure for next update.. so see you when I see you la...

7 cheers!!:

zan said...

ehhh pelan pelan..nanti masuk awal labor room pulak...sempat jugak rumah siap..syukur lah, selesa sikit bila dah balik rumah dgn baby :)

wahhh ini mesti buat surprise since you do not know the gender, i pray for you both, semoga semua ok and in good health..amin!

Nadia said...

zan: heheh... somehow the other half of me tak sabar dah nak suruh baby keluar.. ni kes tak larat nak carry heavy tummy.. but due to current situation (house, conjunctivitis) i really hopes that baby arrive after things settled. Owh about the gender, we think we can confirm about this. But shall reveal when the time comes la.. heheheh... kasik suspen sket...(apa sgt la kan.. its just 50% boy or girl heheheh..)

Diah said...

hihihihi tak sabar tunggu kabar ada baby.. uuugghgh lama dah tak cium bau bayi nih.. :P btw mana gambo kitchen tu nak tengok sket.. :D

famygirl said...

2 minggu lagi... tak lama tu :) hope all goes well in the mamarawks household

Nadia said...

diah: sabar ya!.. tapi you must be busy if my baby decide to make its way on the same date you celebrate Pasha birthday.. gmbr kitchen?? heheh.. nanti kita share..

famy: yup +-2 more weeks to go... i also hope everything goes as plan.. amin!

mama_fynn said...

hai..good luck ek..semoga semua berjalan lancar...

Nadia said...

mama_fynn: thank you